Tuesday, October 22, 2013

AVOID Cellulite during Pregnancy

We’ve all heard about Cellulite. We’ve all seen it. But do you really know what cellulite is? And why is it more apparent during pregnancy?
When fats, fluids and toxins are trapped deep in the skin, the connective tissue thickens and hardens, giving the skin a cottage cheese look. During pregnancy, estrogen and progesterone levels are high and as a result, pregnant women have increased fatty deposits, weight gain, water retention, and weakened fiber structure.
But don’t despair, there ARE some things that you CAN do now to reduce your cellulite.
4 Proven Cellulite Fighters                                                            
1. Drink lots of water. Water cleanses the digestive system and flushes toxins and waste out of the body.
2. Eat a moderately low-fat, low-sugar, high fiber diet with emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
3. Avoid salty foods as much as possible. Salty foods increase water retention and make cellulite appear worse.
4. Be physically active. Physical activity is extremely important in aiding proper circulation. Refer to my exercise manual for safe and effective pregnancy exercises.
By the way, the two most effective ways for women to get rid of body fat and cellulite and get back to pre-pregnancy shape are breast-feeding and exercise, so be prepared!
If you want to know more can go here

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Are you ready to know about how to have a baby girl?

How to have a baby girl? you'd probably be happy to know there are many ways how to have a baby girl, you can dramatically increase the chances of having a baby girl by following these tips, so you've decided to have a baby. Good for you! And for any number of reasons you may have decided that you would like to have a baby of a certain gender. And maybe you've decided that you want a baby girl. Certainly there are any number of good reasons why you might want to have a girl. That's completely up to you. It's your own business. But you'd probably be happy to know there are many ways how to have a baby girl.

Before we talk more about how to have a baby girl, let us think about the reason why so many people fail having a baby, especially a baby girl. I am sure, if you are currently reading my article, it means that you are looking for some information about how to have a baby girl, right?. Well, maybe you are almost giving up, especially when you are trying so many different ways to achieve that gift that so many people take for granted with no luck. I would also feel the pain if I have tried and failed trying to have a baby girl. Here are a few reasons why this article is created. Actually, this website also contains a lot of useful tips and tricks on how to get a baby. And even more on it, you can find tricks on how to choose your baby's gender.

There are a few factors in life that help to determine the gender of children that we don't have any control over. Factors such as age, hobbies, and professions can influence the gender of children.

For example, younger people tend to have more boys than girls. Meanwhile men who fly a lot or deep sea dive tend to have more girls than boys.

There's actually a scientific reason for this. Male sperm and female sperm have different characteristics – male sperm are faster but more fragile while female sperm are slower but tougher. These characteristics are what lead the sperm to be influenced by the above factors (age, flying, etc.).

However, knowing these facts can help you to know what you should do in order to conceive a child of the gender of your choice. In fact, knowing these facts should determine when you have sexual intercourse and the positions you use to have sexual intercourse. That's how to have a baby girl.

For how to have a baby girl you want to make sure you are having intercourse at the right time in your cycle. Normally women ovulate fourteen days before their next period. So you need to plan when you have intercourse according to when you are going to ovulate. Of course that's easier said then done because it's not always easy to predict when ovulation will occur.

Another way how to have a baby girl is to use position during intercourse that will help the odds of having a girl. There are positions that will help you have either a girl or a boy. Knowing how sperm act should help you determine which positions you use.

It's not that tough to learn how to have a baby girl. First you need to know the different characteristics between male and female sperm. Then you need to plan when you and how you have sexual intercourse accordingly. If you do that then you can dramatically increase the chances of having a baby girl.

If you want to know more can go here

Dealing with the Terrible Twos: It Starts with You

If you have a toddler in your house, then I’m sure you are familiar with the terrible twos. This is my first blog entry in what I expect to become a busy blog with loads of postings and user comments. So I thought it would be great to get the ball rolling by posting something that will help parents, and by giving a perspective not often found in the parenting community.
I have two beautiful daughters, but I would be lying if I said they were perfect little angels all the time. Of course they aren’t! We have nicknames for our girls. The oldest is “Monkey”. This was given to her when she learned to crawl in the early years. The youngest is “Kit Kat”, which was invented by my wife’s loving Aunt. It just stuck instantly!
Monkey and Kit Kat do their fare share of things that make us want to leave them with a babysitter for a few days! Most of the time my kids are quite well behaved, but they are normal – they get mad, they fight, they scream, and they throw the occasional tantrum. But it never lasts long and we always have a massive bag full of tricks to deal with these situations. The result is far less stress for my wife and I. We just roll with the punches. My 15 years of experience in NLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis certainly helps, but the strategies I use to deal with toddlers can be learned by anyone very quickly.
What I want to focus on in this blog post is the need to start with yourself before you worry about your child’s behavior. How you behave on the outside is critical because your child will model you. If you scream and yell at your child then your child will scream and yell back at you. Even worse, your child will learn that this is actually something they should do when mad. Believe me, this is NOT what you want your kids to learn!
Now let’s say that you don’t scream at your kids when they misbehave, but you get really mad on the inside, yet you manage to control yourself. This is better, but kids (and all humans/animals) will pick up on your non-verbal signals. The vast majority of communication is non-verbal!
The redness in your face, the heavier breathing, the tension in your muscles and the pace of your speech will serve as non-verbal cues to your child that he or she is succeeding in pushing your buttons.
In another post I will talk about how to actually deal with your children when they misbehave. But for now what I want to get through to you is the concept of relaxation. If you are relaxed and comfortable, your non-verbal communication to your child will be far more effective.
Your inner psychology is directly connected to your outward physiology. Because of this, it is very easy to change your psychology by adjusting your physiology. This direct link is extremely useful to you because you can take specific steps to relax and stay calm when dealing with your kids.

Here are some steps you can take:
  1. Take a deep breath and exhale in a controlled, calm manner.
  2. Say something out loud in a very casual tone of voice. It doesn’t matter what you say, so long as you use the same voice you’d be using when talking to a close friend. Pick a phrase that you can use consistently, such that it becomes an “anchor phrase”. An example of this would be, “It’s nice to know you can always relax whenever you want to”.
  3. Recall a past memory (anything that comes to mind) when you were totally relaxed. For a few seconds, just remember what you saw, what you heard, and how good it felt. This will get you back into that same state very quickly.
  4. Take note of any remaining tension in any parts of your body (you’ll begin to notice where tension builds up for you during moments of stress). As you notice where the remaining tension is, take a moment to visualize calm, soothing white light shining on those spots of tension in your body, and just imagine that the light is melting away the tension. Pretending it is happening is no different than having it really happen – your unconscious mind doesn’t know the difference!
This whole process may take you 10 seconds. It’s purpose is to completely alter your physical and emotional state so that you’ll be in a more resourceful state to deal with the “problem child”.
When your kids are misbehaving, 10 seconds can seem like eternity. But you know better. Believe me this is 10 seconds well spent. Now, when you deal with your children, you’ll convey a stronger and calmer message, you’ll get better results, and you’ll feel better about the outcome.
Enjoy Your Children,
Chris Thompson
If you want to know more can go here